Tear Care Affiliate Program

Tear Care Paid On Results are delighted to announce the launch of the Tear Care affiliate program.

Tear Care is the brainchild of a couple of hard working fitness fans who were tired of the toll that lifting weights, manual work and everyday labour took on their hands.

They scoured the market high and low for a treatment that would soothe and protect their mitts, but, very much like Goldilocks, they found that all suggested treatments were too oily, too creamy, too fussy, too irritating (we have sensitive skin, don’t you know) or just plain didn’t work. So, adding to the dry, sore, callous-laden and cracked state of their hands was a maximum dose of frustration – until, one day, they decided to take it upon themselves to create (translation: befriend some lovely scientists and health experts) the ultimate solution.

Working with our experts, we combined beeswax, coconut oil, tea tree and manuka honey (simple and natural ingredients known for their healing and protecting powers) to create Tear Care: a skin conditioning balm that’s most effective when applied at night and left to work its magic while you catch some z’s!

Like what you hear? Jump on board our Tear Care range!

For more information on the Tear Care affiliate program, click here