Payment On Request

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Paid On Results are proud to launch our new Affiliate payment system ‘Payment On Request’. It was no surprise to us that Affiliates ranked the number 1 most important element of the Affiliate relationship with both Merchants and Networks as getting paid for the work they have done, and getting paid quickly. Paid On Results has been working hard since the start of this year to get all the elements in place such as upgrading our banking services and systems, improving Merchant invoicing, payment administration and much more to offer our new payment solution.

Payment On Request is a BACS only option, it’s payment when you want. Simply submit an invoice via the Affiliate control area (you click just 2 buttons and the invoice is fully generated for you) anytime you like subject to meeting the minimum of £25 validated commission in your account, so no more waiting 6 weeks to get paid.

Cheque and Paypal payments will remain on the traditional payment model, so now is the time to convert your account to payment via BACS, so you can start submitting your invoices to be paid on request starting the 10th of November.

Payment On Request is yet another example of Paid On Results listening to our Affiliates and taking it that step further.


Q: How often can I get paid?
A: As often as you like subject to having minimum £25 of validated commission in your account.

Q: What bank will my payments come from?
A: Payments come now via Bank of Scotland.

Q: What kind of information can I expect to see on my bank statement about the payment?
A: You should see that payment has come from Paid On Results and should included the reference of your Affiliate ID and invoice payment relates to, for example “1000-0004” would be Affiliate 1000, invoice number 0004.

Q: Why can’t I use Payment On Request for cheque payment?
A: Cheques are very time consuming, and need payment authorised company directors to be around to sign them. BACS on the other hand is very efficient and with the bespoke interface programmed by Paid On Results to output the needed files direct to our banking partner we can speed up the whole process and is why we can now offer this service to Affiliates.

Q: I am a brand new Affiliate, will I get paid on request a few days after joining and generating £25 in commission?
A: Payment On Request system will become available to you only after you have received two payments from Paid On Results, after this your free to submit invoices when you like, as often as you like. The reason for this safeguard is to allow us time to ensure you are a genuine Affiliate and to see how your account operates.